203 research outputs found

    Performance of constructed wetlands using Vetiveria zizaniodes for sewage treatment

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    Sewage is one of the major problems to overcome in managing the domestic sewage. Treatment that low cost, need less maintenance and environmental friendly are among target on how to treat the domestic sewage. This research was focused on the capability of the Vetiveria zizaniodes plant to remove pollutant through the constructed wetland. The study carried out through two type HRT systems, which were HRT-5 and HRT-0. The constructed wetlands were planted with Vetiveria zizanoides in different population for every cell which is cell control, less population and more population. The efficiency of the systems to reduce the concentration of oil and grease, ammoniacal nitrogen (NH3-N), Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), total suspended solid (TSS), and orthophosphate (PO43-) were analyzed. The performance of dissolved oxygen (DO) and pH are also considered. From the study it was found that the constructed wetlands using Vetiveria zizaniodes is significantly contributed in removal efficiency of BOD, orthophosphate and ammoniacal nitrogen on HRT-5 while on HRT-0 it’s contributed in removal efficiency of TSS. The results showed the ability of constructed wetland using the Vetiveria zizaniodes to reduce up to 56% of ammoniacal nitrogen removal, 79% of orthophosphate, 53% of BOD and 51% oil & grease after 7 days of treatment for HRT-5. On the other side wetland was able to remove 62% of TSS after end of experiment for HRT-0 on day 7 of treatment. It can be conclude that Vetiveria zizaniodes posed a great role in removing orthophosphate, ammoniacal nitrogen, BOD, TSS and oil and grease in different hydraulic retention time

    Influence of composted food waste and sewage sludge on plant growth enhanced with magnetic fields

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    Sewage sludge and composting food waste have the potential to be used as fertilizer due to nutrient availability. Thus, application of sewage sludge and composted food waste as nutrient sources for plants enhanced with the magnetic field to water the plants was studied. The study focused on nutrient content in sewage sludge powder (SSLG) and liquid from composted food waste (LCFW) from a primary oxidation pond at Taman Sri Pulai, Johor and food waste from wet market Kipmart Tampoi, Johor. Capsicum annum (red chili) was selected as the plant to receive different concentrations of nutrients. In order to increase the efficiency of sewage sludge and composted food waste, magnetized water was applied to irrigate the plants along with SSLG and LCFW. Five different amounts and concentration of SSLG and LCFW were prepared. SSLG was applied to the plant only once at the beginning, while LCFW was applied on a weekly basis. All the plants were watered by the same amount of magnetized and tap water on a daily basis. Plant growth was recorded on weekly basis. The study revealed that there is a significant difference between the application of SSLG and LCFW to the plants and control plants with no SSLG and LCFW in the tap and magnetized water. SSLG and LCFW increased the plant growth up to 83.33% in root, 85.71% in stem and 86.66% in leaves Nitrogen Nitrate (NO3 --N) content, while for Phosphorus (P) content the SSLG and LCFW enhanced 78.57% in root, 73.33% in stem and 75.59% in leaves, for Total Kjedhal Nitrogen (TKN) content organic waste boosted the growth of 59.38% in root, 58.02% in stem and 69.88% in leaves in tap water condition which was higher than control plants. In the meantime for magnetized water, SSLG and LCFW increased up to 84.91% in root, 87.18% in stem and 87.23% in leaves for NO3 --N content, while for P content SSLG and LCFW enhanced growth of 79.31% in root, 75.51% in stem and 80.77% in leaves, for TKN content those organic waste boost 65.02% in root, 85.87% in stem and 71.64%. Magnetic field enhanced nutrient absorption up to 4.76% in root, 11.89% in stem and 16.67% in leaves for NO3 --N content, while for the P content the magnetized water enhanced 17.31% in root, 8.78% in stem and 14.42% in leaves, for TKN content that magnetic treatment boost 29.34% in root, 58.18% in stem and 17.90% in leaves higher than untreated tap water. In conclusion, the application of sewage sludge and composted food waste, enhanced by magnetic water is a viable option for plant growth where the quality of the crops was increased. However, in terms of consumption and safety, other alternatives should also be considered in order to further validate the safety of crops grown with sewage sludge

    A survey of statistical approaches for query expansion

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    A major issue in effective information retrieval is the problem of vocabulary mismatches. The method called query expansion addresses this issue by reformulating each search query with additional terms that better define the information needs of the user. Many researchers have contributed to improving the accuracy of information retrieval systems, through different approaches to query expansion. In this article, we primarily discuss statistical query expansion approaches that include document analysis, search and browse log analyses, and web knowledge analyses. In addition to proposing a comprehensive classification for these approaches, we also briefly analyse the pros and cons of each technique. Finally, we evaluate these techniques using five functional features and experimental settings such as TREC collection and results of performance metrics. An in-depth survey of different statistical query expansion approaches suggests that the selection of the best approach depends on the type of search query, the nature and availability of data resources, and performance efficiency requirements

    Pengaruh Qudwah Hasanah Ibu Bapa Terhadap Akhlak Remaja Sekolah Menengah Di Kedah

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    Ibu bapa merupakan pendidik terawal anak-anak yang berperanan sebagai pemberi contoh teladan yang baik. Namun begitu, kurangnya didikan agama dan perhatian ibu bapa dalam kehidupan berkeluarga menjadikan anak remaja mudah terdedah dengan masalah akhlak masa kini. Kelemahan ibu bapa dalam mendidik anak melalui qudwah hasanah kurang diberi perhatian. Umum mengetahui, golongan remaja merupakan generasi yang bakal mewarisi negara pada masa akan datang. Namun pada realitinya, pelbagai gejala sosial meruntuhkan akhlak remaja masa kini. Sehubungan itu, tujuan kajian ini untuk mengkaji pengaruh qudwah hasanah (contoh teladan yang baik) ibu bapa terhadap akhlak remaja sekolah menengah di Kedah. Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah penyelidikan kuantitatif dan disokong oleh kaedah penyelidikan kualitatif. Data kuantitatif diperoleh melalui set soal selidik melibatkan 375 remaja Tingkatan Empat sekolah menengah di Kedah. Data kualititatif iaitu temu bual diperoleh daripada enam orang subjek kajian yang dipilih berdasarkan kaedah pemilihan bertujuan. Data kajian telah dianalisis secara deskriptif dan inferensi menggunakan perisian SPSS (Statistic Package for the Social Science) Version 23 bagi mendapatkan skor min, peratusan, kekerapan, korelasi dan regresi berganda. Data temu bual pula dianalisis menggunakan perisian ATLAS.ti versi 7.0

    Construction of cubic Ball surface based on biharmonic partial differentiation equation

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    This paper will discuss a new method of Ball surface generation from prescribed boundaries based on the partial differential operator. In particular, we focus on the construction of a bicubic Said-Ball surface using biharmonic partial differentiation equation. The main result is that the use of biharmonic Said-Ball surface would enable the overall surface to be generated and controlled based on the boundary curves rather than a set of control points. We illustrate the new method by using several graphical examples

    Optimized Load Balancing based Task Scheduling in Cloud Environment

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    The fundamental issue of Task scheduling is one important factor to load balance between the virtual machines in a Cloud Computing network. However, the optimal broadcast methods which have been proposed so far focus only on cluster or grid environment. In this paper, task scheduling strategy based on load balancing Quantum Particles Swarm algorithm (BLQPSO) was proposed. The fitness function based minimizing the makespan and data transmission cost. In addition, the salient feature of this algorithm is to optimize node available throughput dynamically using MatLab10A software. Furthermore, the performance of proposed algorithm had been compared with existing PSO and shows their effectiveness in balancing the load

    Big Data Processing in Cloud Computing Environments

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    Cloud computing is a powerful technology to perform massive-scale and complex computing. It eliminates the need to maintain expensive computing hardware, dedicated space, and software. Massive growth in the scale of data or big data generated through cloud computing has been observed. Addressing big data is a challenging and time-demanding task that requires a large computational infrastructure to ensure successful data processing and analysis. This paper introduces several Big Data processing techniques from system and application aspects. First, from the view of cloud data management and Big Data processing mechanisms, we present the key issues of Big Data. Following, we present the cloud computing for Big Data and related work. Furthermore, we also discuss, Big Data moving to the cloud. Finally, we present the conclusion and future work

    Knowledge transfer of the wireless healthcare application in rural community: A case study in Baling, Kedah

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    Healthcare system in rural area is equally as important as who live in the urban or modern city counterparts.Due to geographically difficulty to access by the modern transportation, wireless communication is one of the possible approaches to reach these areas.On the key aspect is the infrastructure reliability to securing knowledge transfer amongst knowledge of the rural society.This study is to determine the readiness of the rural communities in accepting wireless healthcare applications for the effective transfer of acquired knowledge from healthcare expertise to the rural communities.The instruments were developed and survey was conducted in rural area of Baling, Kedah. 435 questionnaires have been distributed and only 245 are qualified to be analyzed using quantitative analysis.The result shows that the rural communities are appreciate and long-wait with this new type of technology in helping them to improve the healthcare rural system even though the wireless infrastructure is hindering

    Phosphorus and eutrophication in water

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    Since early 1970, the presence of phosphorus (P) in domestic wastewater has attracted attention due to the awareness of its adverse impacts on the environment, specifically in receiving water such as a river. In the wastewater treatment system, P is a crucial nutrient for bacteria required to degrade and biologically stabilise the organic wastes (Hussain et al., 2001). P is a key nutrient that stimulates the growth of algae and other biological organisms (Mainstone and Parr, 2002). P appears exclusively as orthophosphate, condensed phosphates (polyphosphates), and organically bound phosphate. Condensed phosphates are utilised in cleaning products, and organic phosphates are elements of the body and food waste (Howard, 1985). According to Tjandraatmadja et al. (2010), household products can be a significant contributor to the P load in domestic wastewater. The release of high quantities of P from domestic wastewater treatment plants is of concern, as it is one of the key nutrients that have the potential to contribute to eutrophication in surface water, which can result in excessive growth of algae (Daniel et al., 1994)

    Pendidikan akidah terhadap anak-anak: Cabaran ibubapa dalam perkembangan sains dan teknologi masa kini

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    Pendidikan akidah merupakan penanaman keyakinan kepada Allah S.W.T yang perlu diberikan kepada anak-anak sejak awal lagi. Akidah adalah dasar dan asas untuk membentuk peribadi Muslim yang kuat dan utuh .Peranan dan tanggungjawab ibu bapa dalam pendidikan akidah amatlah penting dan perlu dilaksanakan dalam setiap keluarga Muslim.Tiga prinsip utama dalam Islam iaitu persoalan akidah, ibadah dan akhlak;ketiga-tiganya memiliki pautan antara satu dengan yang lain.Pendidikan akidah sangat bererti bagi seluruh umat Islam kerana Allah menciptakan semua makhluk-Nya untuk beribadah dan menyembah kepada-Nya sahaja, dan itu semua tidak dapat diperoleh kecuali dengan pendidikan yang benar; iaitu pendidikan akidah. Dewasa ini, kehidupan telah berkembang menjadi semakin maju dengan kecanggihan sains dan teknologi berikutan perkembangan zaman.Kehebatan material menjadi pengukur dalam segala hal meliputi kejayaan dan kebahagiaan seseorang . Justeru, pendidikan akidah adalah dasar utama bagi setiap individu Muslim agar menjadi hamba yang taat kepada-Nya.Ibadah seseorang tidak akan diterima oleh Allah S.W.T jika tidak memiliki akidah yang benar.Apabila seseorang memiliki akidah yang kuat, pasti akan melaksanakan ibadah dengan tertib, memiliki akhlak yang mulia dan bermu’amalat dengan baik.Kertas kerja ini bertujuan mengetengahkan isu berkaitan konsep pendidikan akidah dan kaitannya dengan akhlak anak-anak dalam zaman perkembangan sains dan teknologi masa kini.Penulisan ini memberi fokus terhadap peranan dan cabaran ibu bapa dalam memberi pendidikan akidah terhadap anak-anak dalam membentuk akhlak yang mulia.Metodologi kajian yang digunakan adalah kajian kepustakaan dengan menekankan aspek analisis kandungan (content analysis).Hasil penulisan ini mendapati pendidikan akidah membawa kepada amalan akhlak terpuji kepada anak-anak walaupun terdapat cabaran-cabaran yang dihadapi oleh ibu bapa. Adalah menjadi harapan penulisan berkaitan pendidikan akidah ini memberi tasawwur dan kefahaman terhadap konsep pendidikan akidah terhadap anak-anak dalam al-Qur’an agar difahami bagi tujuan peningkatan iman dan pembentukan akhlak yang mulia dalam kalangan anak-anak pada masa kini